ss_blog_claim=c3121b1aa4bcdd7b8a9c788df86dd531 Roselle's Sweet Escape: My Little Sister

Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Little Sister

This is Kuletz' gift to her "tita"

This is my little sister (who is not little anymore, in fact, she's much taller than I am and I am 5'5 already lol). It's not her first time here in America, but this is the first time that she had the chance to visit us here in the Chicagoland. It is also her first time meeting my son Kuletz. When I picked her up at the airport, the most excited person is my son lol! He was a bit shy at first, but he was all smiles when she saw her "Tita".

First day of our "lakwatsa"

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