ss_blog_claim=c3121b1aa4bcdd7b8a9c788df86dd531 Roselle's Sweet Escape: Kiddieland Trip

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Kiddieland Trip

Hi everyone! Haven't had a chance to post anything here. Anyways, I've been busy as a volunteer mom in my son's school. I always wake up early, then when we get home, I'm not dead tired, but very sleepy. So that's what I do, I'll put my son to sleep, then I will go to sleep. That's pretty much our everyday routine.

Here are some of the pictures in the last field trip that we both went. (We didn't go to their trip this week, we rested at home, did some of my work)

he liked this ride the most because it's the fastest moving ride

what can i say? he likes horses :)


he didn't stop bugging me with this boat till he gets to ride in it

dumbo :D

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