ss_blog_claim=c3121b1aa4bcdd7b8a9c788df86dd531 Roselle's Sweet Escape: Holiday Eyeglass Frames Collection

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Holiday Eyeglass Frames Collection

Later today, my friend and I will be going to the big “W” store to have her daughter’s picture taken. My plan while we are there is to go to my eye doctor. I have been planning that for quite sometime but I never get the chance at all. I wanted to have my eyes checked because it has been a while since I had it looked at. Hopefully, I’d remember asking them my prescription because I wanted to buy new eyeglasses. That too, is long overdue.

I mentioned so many times in my previous posts about the $8 prescription eyeglasses from and I intend to get one from them. I really do, because I do not want to pay another $300 for a pair of eyeglasses. Your $300 can buy more than five pairs of eyeglasses from ZenniOptical. I would like to take advantage of their affordable, stylish and fashionable frames that comes in either titanium, aluminum alloy, stainless steel or full, half, rimless. In fact, I just recently browsed their Holiday frames collections and they are awesome! People would think that you paid a fortune for it for the reason that they are gorgeous. Here are some of my favorites in their collection of holiday frames:

1 comment:

eva said...

hi roselle

favor please.could you update my link in your blogroll to
