ss_blog_claim=c3121b1aa4bcdd7b8a9c788df86dd531 Roselle's Sweet Escape: We Are Making Progress Here

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

We Are Making Progress Here

I am talking about my son's reading. If you'd remember, I posted here the book that I bought entitled "Teach Your Child To Read In 100 Easy Lessons"...We are only in lesson five but I think we have made so much progress. Before we started, he can write and spell his complete name, can spell at least 10 three-letter words like cat, dog and the likes, but I know he just memorized that and still can't really read. But now, I know he's starting to learn to read and comprehend. I was surprised just moments ago before he went to bed, he was holding his book, flipping pages and he was reading those lessons that we took in the past. He's just actually reading letters, but not as letters but how they sounds. It just means that he's learning the stuff that I was teaching him. For that, I am so happy. I am pretty sure that he'll start to read paragraphs eventually as we move further through our lessons. 95 Lessons to go! :)

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