ss_blog_claim=c3121b1aa4bcdd7b8a9c788df86dd531 Roselle's Sweet Escape: Insurance Talk

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Insurance Talk

Insurance specially in some third world country, isn’t as popular as here in the states. However, I do believe that having an insurance is extremely important nowadays, specially the basic ones, like car insurance, health insurance and dental insurance (which I just called earlier as I needed to see my dentist again). But why exactly do we need one? First off, having health insurance, for example, will come in handy when you or any of your family member get sick. They will help you cover hospital costs and other medical expenses that is covered by your policy. Auto Insurance will help you shoulder any damage or injury in case you are involved in an accident.

There are also insurance other than the basics, in my opinion, that is worth considering. Education Funds for one. I say it is worth getting because this will make sure that your child or children will have an education opportunities whether you live or die (God forbid). Let’s face it, we don’t know what’s gonna happen tomorrow. Pension and Retirement plan is also good to have.

On the lighter note, travel insurance, Courier Insurance, bike insurance or even pet insurance is also out there for you to consider. Check out to get a quick quote of some unbeatable insurance rates.

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